
Whey Protein Supplements Benefits

Have you noticed the watery portion of milk that is released while making cheese?

Well, that is naturally occurring whey protein. There are numerous benefits of whey protein; it contains a high amount and diverse range of essential amino acids, which are absorbed quickly into the body. Amino acids are required to enhance your body’s ability to resist illness. They also build muscle mass, cause essential chemical reactions in the body, and transport nutrients.

Consumption of protein enhances the stamina of athletes and improves their performance. When taken in the right amount, it is one of the most beneficial forms of proteins, which is why it is so well loved by bodybuilders, athletes, fitness models, and gym goers as it provides rapid post-workout muscle recovery.

The recommended dose of whey protein of 25 to 50 grams daily after a workout. It doesn’t just provide muscle building and fat reducing qualities, it also lowers blood sugar, blood pressure, and symptoms of stress and depression. And this is still the tip of the iceberg when speaking of the benefits of whey proteins.

Whey Protein Supplements

An essential macronutrient, proteins repair tissues, build muscles, and create enzymes and hormones. If your diet lacks natural proteins, compensating it with supplements is in your best interest. There are so many options available for protein powders, including dairy-based and plant-based powders, but the best remains whey.

Although whey protein supplements don’t have the most flavorsome tastes naturally, they usually come in vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate flavored powders that are pretty popular.  Since the entire purpose of intaking the powder is health consciousness, check the ingredients to see if you are not accidently allowing unhealthy refined sugars to sneak in. Using the supplements is also an easy way to eliminate obesity, high cholesterol, asthma, allergic reactions, etc.

Types of Whey Protein

There are three kinds of whey proteins, based on how they are prepared.

Whey Protein Concentrate

These are generally used in processed cheeses, cereal, baked goods and confectionery products, and nutrition bars; as well as sports beverages and muscle gain formulations. Because whey protein is called a concentrate, consumers may consider it a processed food.

However, it is not chemically modified. It is prepared by physically separating crude protein (lactose and minerals) from whey proteins as the retentate (product retained from sieving).

Whey protein concentrate supplements, contain approximately 70 to 80 percent protein, and the rest is fat, and lactose. The lactose or milk sugar gives the concentrate the best flavor out of the three. It is also the most common and the most economical of the three.

Whey Protein Isolate

With 90 to 95% protein component, whey protein isolates are the purest form of protein. They are manufactured by raw material undergoing more processing, thus resulting in a higher protein content that has been isolated from unwanted carbs, lactose and fat.

Whey Isolates having lower total carbohydrate content, as well as lower lactose content. This makes it great for lactose intolerants or if you are on a low-fat or low-carb diet. If you’re ready to improve your workout performance and build more muscle — without adding fat or carbs who cannot digest lactose. It is slightly expensive than concentrate whey protein due to its high protein content that helps fuel working muscles as it is easily absorbed by the body.

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein or Whey Protein Hydrolysate

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein undergoes an additional process exposing it to heat, acid or enzymes that break down the bonds holding amino acids together. This process is to ‘pre-digest’ the protein enhancing its bio-availability, so that it digests faster and increases protein synthesis. The nutrient content remains the same, the amino chains are simply broken down making it easy to digest and making it 96 percent bioavailable. However, this process adds to the cost. Hydrolyzed whey protein is used in supplements for infants, athletes, and patients suffering from digestion problems.

Possible Side-effects of Whey Protein Consumption

No doubt there are enormous health benefits of whey proteins, but under specific conditions the effects may reverse and instead of benefiting from it, you may end up worsening your health. For instance, people who are intolerant to lactose or suffering from kidney diseases must avoid taking whey protein supplements.

On the whole, it can do wonders, but a high dosage of the protein may have some side effects like nausea, thirst, fatigue, headache, cramps, reduced appetite, etc.

Overall Benefits of Whey Protein

People who consume protein supplements swear by their benefits. It has been observed that this naturally occurring protein and its supplements are beneficial for us in many ways. Some are below:

Whey Protein Promotes Muscle Growth

Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. Especially when our body mass starts declining due to age, the addition of proteins with other essential nutrients can slow down the process of age-related body decline. With proper supplementary care, it also reverses the effect of aging.

Although there is a lack of evidence of whey proteins increasing muscle mass, it has been observed that with essentials like fats, creatine, vitamins, and other minerals, its efficiency increases. Theory suggests that branched-chain amino acids in whey protein promote muscle sustenance and improve body shape.

Prevent Eczema and Allergies in Infants

Whey protein is not only beneficial for adults, but it helps infants as well. If kids are given this protein in the 3 to 12 months of their life, they will be less likely to develop allergic reactions, eczema, and itchy skin.

As they grow up, the effect of whey protein reduces in preventing allergies and other skin conditions. It’s also worth noting that whey protein is beneficial for preventing these conditions but not in treating them.

Lowers Cholesterol

Not all cholesterol is harmful, but bad cholesterol like LDL makes your body more prone to heart diseases, high blood pressure, and strokes. Lowering the high levels of cholesterol from the blood is among the crucial benefits of whey proteins.

Note that supplements alone cannot reduce cholesterol, but they do wonders when coupled with adequate workout and healthy sleep patterns.

Reduce Body Weight

Studies suggest that consuming one-fourth of proteins in your daily diet decreases cravings for carbohydrates and fats by 60%. This makes you feel full even though you’re not, due to which you eat less. Therefore weight loss is on the list of benefits of whey protein. And if you combine the protein intake with regular exercise, you may lose weight faster while increasing muscle mass simultaneously.

So with added information on how whey protein can change your life, especially if you are health conscious and into sculpting your body through, sports, athletics and body-building, don’t wait too long. Protein supplements can help you move towards the body goals you desire.

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